Our services.
A single session will allow you to drop in one of our classes during the week.
An Assessment is a one time payment where we can gather information that will help us as coaches design programs that will assist with your goals. The $50 payment will go towards your membership.
Unlimited Strength and Conditioning
250 prices may vary
Unlimited strength and conditioning classes where we focus on the basic foundations of Strength, Speed, Power, & Agility. We focus on giving them the building blocks they need to become the athlete we know they can be. As the athletes advance the program becomes more intense and more tailored towards their goals.
For ages 7 & Up
Unlimited Strength and Conditioning with Skills
$300 prices may vary
Unlimited strength & conditioning and also skill work. With this membership you also get to sharpen up on the skill of your sport. This is a mixture of strength training and also sports specific training. With this membership you get the best of both worlds.
For Ages 7 & Up